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Review | Lidl - Cien - Skin Foodies - Firming body serum

Not so long ago I've told you about the Brazilian breeze body cream, now it's time for another body care product straight from the Lidl.⠀

The Skin Foodies firming body serum is enriched with green robusta coffee bean oil which is supposed to support skin structure restoration, microcirculation and to reduce fat tissue.⠀

I'm skeptical when it comes to all "slimming" and miracle anti-cellulite products. Nothing besides a healthy diet and exercises and of course drinking PLENTY of water can really help in losing weight or getting rid of cellulite. Please keep that in mind. ⠀

I'm a plus-size type of girl and I need to take extra care of problematic areas such as belly, tights, booty, etc. I've tried a lot of firming products and my expectations are high. When it comes to that type of product consistency is key.⠀

The gel is very lightweight and absorbs very quickly. It has a nice fresh scent. It's not sticky or tacky at all. I must say that I'm really surprised when it comes to results. It really works well when it comes to skin smoothing and firming, especially on my tights. I'm using it with cellulite massager or body brush and it really boosts the results. ⠀

Overall, I'm really happy with this Lidl Cien firming body serum. My skin indeed feels smoother and firmer as promised. In combination with a healthy lifestyle, it works great for me.⠀
Availability: Lidl stores ⠀
Price: €2.99 / 200ml⠀

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